Banu Nadir

The Banu Nadir (Arabic: بَنُو ٱلنَّضِير, Hebrew: בני נדיר) were a Jewish Arab tribe that lived in northern Arabia at the oasis of Medina until the 7th century. They were expelled by Muhammad after The Battle of Uhud against the Quraysh, which took place after attacks by the Muslims on their trade caravans and to seek revenge for Badr.[1]

After the battle, the Muslims went back to Medina, there, Muhammad found that some of the Jews, who had not taken part in the battle, were not concealing their pleasure at his tragedy. Feeling the need to set an example, Muhammad targeted the Banu Nadir, which he and his troops then besieged for several weeks. The tribe surrendered and was expelled, with their property becoming booty for the Muslims. Islamic tradition accuses the tribe of various crimes, with the Quran says simply that they defied Allah and Muhammad.[1]

The tribe then planned the Battle of the Trench together with the Quraysh.[2][page needed] They later participated in the battle of Khaybar.[3]

  1. ^ a b Buhl & Welch 1993.
  2. ^ V. Vacca, Encyclopedia of Islam, Banu Nadir
  3. ^ "".