Barents Sea Opening

The upper right arrow symbolizes the Norwegian Current flowing through the BSO. Some waters originates from the North Atlantic Current which continues the Gulf Stream to the North-East.

The Barents Sea Opening (BSO) is an oceanographic term for the Western Barents Sea, the sea area between Bear Island in the south of Svalbard and the northern extremity of Norway through which a water mass of Atlantic origin flows into the Arctic Ocean.[1] The inflow of relative warm water into the Arctic Ocean occurs not only through the Barents Sea Opening, but also through Fram Strait which is much deeper. The internal energy entering the colder waters has an influence on the atmosphere and the sea ice above and therefore possibly on the global climate.

  1. ^ Årthun, M.; Eldevik, T.; Smedsrud, L. H.; Skagseth, Ø.; Ingvaldsen, R. B. (1 July 2012). "Quantifying the Influence of Atlantic Heat on Barents Sea Ice Variability and Retreat*". Journal of Climate. 25 (13): 4736–4743. Bibcode:2012JCli...25.4736A. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00466.1. S2CID 129321974.