Barley yellow mosaic virus

Barley mosaic virus
Virus classification Edit this classification
(unranked): Virus
Realm: Riboviria
Kingdom: Orthornavirae
Phylum: Pisuviricota
Class: Stelpaviricetes
Order: Patatavirales
Family: Potyviridae
Genus: Bymovirus
Barley mosaic virus

Barley yellow mosaic virus is plant pathogenic virus that causes the yellow mosaic disease of barley. Its shape is categorized as being flexuous filamentous, with lengths of 275 and 550 nanometers. The virus has a limited host range, and barley appears to be the only known susceptible host.[1] The virus is transmitted via Polymyxa graminis, which is a plasmodiophorid protist, through the resting spores that survive in the soil, and eventually zoospores.[2] Eastern Asia is the most affected region, but the virus can be found worldwide. Current agricultural practices have been ineffective at eliminating the virus, but breeding resistance appears to be the only way to help reduce the disease.[3]

Symptoms of barley yellow mosaic virus on barley cultivar Igri.
  1. ^ Ed. M.J. Adams. (1975). Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus. Descriptions of Plant Viruses. Web.
  2. ^ You, Y.; Shirako, Y. (2013). "Evaluation of host resistance to Barley yellow mosaic virus infection at the cellular and whole-plant levels". Plant Pathology. 62: 226–232. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2012.02616.x.
  3. ^ Iida, Y., Ban, T., and Konishi, T. (DATE). Linkage analysis of the rym6 resistance gene to Japanese strain II of barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV-II) in barley. Barley Genetics Newsletter, 29: 31–33.