Barlow's formula

Barlow's formula (called "Kesselformel"[1] in German) relates the internal pressure that a pipe[2] can withstand to its dimensions and the strength of its material. This approximate formula is named after Peter Barlow, an English mathematician.[3]



 : internal pressure,
 : allowable stress,
  : wall thickness,
 : outside diameter.

This formula (DIN 2413) figures prominently in the design of autoclaves and other pressure vessels.

  1. ^ "Kesselformel", Wikipedia (in German), 2022-08-18, retrieved 2022-08-20
  2. ^ Or pressure vessel, or other cylindrical pressure containment structure.
  3. ^ Adams, A.J.; Grundy, K.C.; Lin, B.; Moore, PW. (6 March 2018). The Barlow Equation for Tubular Burst: A Muddled History. IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition. Fort Worth, Texas, USA. pp. SPE-189681-MS. doi:10.2118/189681-MS.