
The baserri at the Chillida Museum in Hernani

A baserri (Basque pronunciation: [bas̺eri]; Spanish: caserío vasco; French: maison basque) is a traditional half-timbered or stone-built type of housebarn farmhouse found in the Basque Country in northern Spain and Southwestern France. The baserris, with their gently sloping roofs and entrance portals, are highly characteristic of the region and form a vital part in traditional Basque societal structures.[1] They are also seen to have played an important role in protecting the Basque language[2] in periods of persecution by providing the language with a very dispersed but substantial speaker base.

  1. ^ Madariaga, Nikola de Baserrietxea eta Eusko Etxegintza Errikoia Bizkaiko Aurrezki Kutxa: 1983
  2. ^ Garate, G. 27.173 Atsotitzak Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa Fundazioa: 1998 ISBN 84-89476-68-3