Bava Metzia

Bava Metzia
Tractate of the Talmud
English:Middle Gate
Number of Mishnahs:101
Babylonian Talmud pages:119
Jerusalem Talmud pages:44
Tosefta chapters:11

Bava Metzia (Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: בָּבָא מְצִיעָא, "The Middle Gate") is the second of the first three Talmudic tractates in the order of Nezikin ("Damages"), the other two being Bava Kamma and Bava Batra. Originally all three formed a single tractate called Nezikin (torts or injuries), each Bava being a Part or subdivision. Bava Metzia discusses civil matters such as property law and usury. It also examines one's obligations to guard lost property that have been found, or property explicitly entrusted to him.