Beast of the Earth

Depiction of the Beast of the Earth (Dābba) from a Falnama written in Turkish for Sultan Ahmed I. Topkapi Museum, Istanbul.

The Beast of the Earth (Arabic: دَابَّة الأَرْض, romanizedDābbat al-Arḍ), also called "The Dabbah" is a creature mentioned Surah An-Naml: Ayat 82 of the Quran and associated with the day of judgment. For this reason, the Beast of the Earth is often mentioned in eschatological writings as a sign of Judgement Day close to the event of the sun rising in the west. The Quran does not offer details the nature of the Beast of the Earth, but various interpretations have linked it to monsters from Turkic mythology. Few Hadith's also claim that the beast, ad dab bag will be marked on the forehead and the nose of the people, the mark on the forehead may depict that one would be a believer and the mark on the nose will tell that it was a believer