Beauvais Manufactory

Astronomers of the Jesuit China missions with Chinese scholars, Les Astronomes, Beauvais tapestry,1697-1705.

The Beauvais Manufactory (French: Manufacture de Beauvais) is a historic tapestry factory in Beauvais, France. It was the second in importance, after the Gobelins Manufactory, of French tapestry workshops that were established under the general direction of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the finance minister of Louis XIV. Whereas the royal Gobelins Manufactory executed tapestries for the royal residences and as ambassadorial gifts, the manufacture at Beauvais remained a private enterprise.[1] Beauvais specialised in low-warp tapestry weaving, although the letters patent of 1664, authorising the company and offering royal protection, left the field open for the production of high-warp tapestry as well.

  1. ^ Roger-Armand Weigert, French Tapestry (London: Faber and Faber) 1962, pp 123-34.