Beer (lunar crater)

Apollo 15 Mapping Camera image with Feuillée at left and Beer at right
Coordinates27°06′N 9°06′W / 27.1°N 9.1°W / 27.1; -9.1
Diameter10 km
Depth1.7 km
Colongitude9° at sunrise
EponymWilhelm W. Beer
Oblique view from Apollo 15 Panoramic Camera
Lunar dome south of Beer crater

Beer is a relatively small lunar impact crater located on the Mare Imbrium, to the east of the crater Timocharis. It was named after German astronomer Wilhelm W. Beer.[1] Just to the northwest is the matching twin Feuillée.

Beer is a circular, cup-shaped crater with a sharp-edged rim that has not been significantly eroded. The interior has a higher albedo than the surrounding lunar mare, which is usually an indication of a relatively young crater. A string of craters arc away from the rim to the southeast, which then grade into a straight rille, and were once known as Fossa Archimedes or Archimedes Rille, but now are officially unnamed.

The mare to the east has a higher albedo than the surrounding surface, and this lighter-hued surface reaches to the base of the Montes Archimedes. To the southeast of Beer is a lunar dome that is of comparable diameter to the crater.

  1. ^ "Beer (lunar crater)". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.