Beer league

Beer leagues (North America) are amateur adult sports leagues of varying abilities, from ex-pro to complete amateur, with differing degrees of competitiveness.[1] Beer league players go out of their way to declare their autonomy from their professional counterparts to allow freedom to reinvent the sport as a player-friendly cooperative entity.[2] Each beer league determines the level and intensity of its play.[2]

  1. ^ Gaston, Bill (2007). Midnight Hockey: All about Beer, the Boys, and the Real Canadian Game. Canada: Anchor Canada.
  2. ^ a b Kittredge, Katharine (2002). "Twenty-One Guys, Forty-Four Skates, and Me: Female Adventures in Masculine Sport". Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal. 11 (1): 163–172. doi:10.1123/wspaj.11.1.163.