Bicslade Tramroad

Stone sleeper blocks on the Bicslade Tramroad, now a footpath

The Bicslade Tramroad was a wagonway built by the Severn and Wye Railway (S&WR) in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, England. The first section of the line was opened in 1812 as a branch of the S&WR plateway from Lydney to Lydbrook, which had opened in 1810.[1] It was expanded over time to serve the collieries and quarries in the Bixslade valley (although the S&WR referred to the line as the Bicslade Tramroad); the last stretch, to Bixhead Quarry, opened in 1855. Stone traffic ceased in 1944 and coal followed in 1946.[2]

  1. ^ Ron Huxley, The rise and fall of the Severn Bridge Railway, 1984, ISBN 978-1-84868-033-3
  2. ^ "The (Bicslade Tramroad) Walk". Forest of Dean Local History Society. Retrieved 26 October 2016.