Black and white bungalow

Black and white bungalows are white-painted bungalows, in a style once commonly used to house European colonial and expatriate families in tropical climate colonies, typically the Southeast Asian colonies of the British Empire in the nineteenth century. The term 'black and white' refers to the dark timber beams and whitewashed walls usually found in these buildings.

Such houses typically have a pitched roof with wide overhanging eaves due to the rainy tropical condition, and the high roof also allows for good ventilation that draws in cooling air. The ground floor is generally open and spacious, often tiled for coolness. The building may have large verandahs, and some have elevated foundations similar to that of a traditional Malay house. Only about 600 of these bungalows remain on the island of Singapore.[1]

  1. ^ "Black and White Houses in Singapore". Roots. National Heritage Board. Retrieved 23 July 2022.