Blast (British magazine)

Cover of the first edition of Blast, 1914
EditorWyndham Lewis
First issue1914
Final issue1915

Blast was the short-lived literary magazine of the Vorticist movement in Britain. Two editions were published: the first on 2 July 1914 (dated 20 June 1914, but publication was delayed)[1][2] and featured a bright pink cover, referred to by Ezra Pound as the "great MAGENTA cover'd opusculus"; and the second a year later on 15 July 1915. Both editions were written primarily by Wyndham Lewis.[3] The magazine is emblematic of the modern art movement in England,[4] and recognised as a seminal text of pre-war 20th-century modernism.[5][6] The magazine originally cost 2/6.

  1. ^ Black (2004), p. 100
  2. ^ see page 1 of Blast or Humphrey Carpenter's A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound, p. 249
  3. ^ Pfannkuchen (2005)
  4. ^ "". Archived from the original on 7 February 2009. Retrieved 17 August 2009.
  5. ^ Jackie Klein, Guardian Online
  6. ^ "University of Delaware Library". Retrieved 17 August 2009.