Blue Lock is an anime television series based on the manga series by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and illustrated by Yusuke Nomura. The second season is produced by Eight Bit and directed by Yūji Haibara, Taku Kishimoto overseeing the series' scripts, Kenji Tanabe providing the main character designs and serving as chief animation director along with Tomoko Mori and Sorato Shimizu, Tadayoshi Okimura serving as action director, and Jun Murayama composing the music.[1] Subtitled vs. U-20 Japan, the season premiered on October 5, 2024, on TV Asahi's brand new IMAnimation [ja] block,[2][3] and is set to run for 14 episodes.[4]
The season follows Yoichi Isagi and the other players who survived and advanced to the next stage of Blue Lock program, facing the biggest challenge to keep the program alive as the players prove their skills in an attempt to be chosen for the upcoming match.
The opening theme song is "Bōjaku no Charisma" (傍若のカリスマ, Bōjaku no Karisuma) by Unison Square Garden,[5] while the ending theme song is "One" by Snow Man.[6]
Crunchyroll has licensed the season, and has streamed an English dub starting on October 18, 2024.[7][8]Medialink licensed the season in Asia-Pacific.[9]