Bogie exchange

A drawing of the Ramsey car-transfer apparatus from the patent application

Bogie exchange is a system for operating railway wagons on two or more gauges to overcome difference in the track gauge. To perform a bogie exchange, a car is converted from one gauge to another by removing the bogies or trucks (the chassis containing the wheels and axles of the car), and installing a new bogie with differently spaced wheels. It is generally limited to wagons and carriages, though the bogies on diesel locomotives can be exchanged if enough time is available.

Bogies exchange operation in Ussuriisk (near Vladivostok) at the Chinese–Russian border
Bogie change station at Chop railway station in Ukraine, which connects to Hungary and Slovakia

The term can also refer to the rebuilding of rolling-stock for permanent use on another gauge, e.g. the Little Joe electric locomotives intended for the Soviet Union (Russian gauge) which were rebuilt for use in the United States, or the New Zealand British Rail Mark 2 carriage rebuilt for use on the NZR Cape gauge