Boundary Treaty of 1866 between Chile and Bolivia

Boundary Treaty between Bolivia and Chile of 1866
Mutual Benefits Treaty
Except for the 24°S boundary, none of the borders was officially set in 1866. The black line is the 1929 border.
TypeBoundary and economic
SignedOctober 8, 1866 (1866-10-08)
LocationSantiago, Chile
  • Mariano Donato Muñoz
  • Aniceto Vergara Albano
  • Juan R. Muñoz Cabrera
  • Álvaro Covarrúbias
Full text
Boundary Treaty between Bolivia and Chile of 1866 at Wikisource

The Boundary Treaty of 1866 between Chile and Bolivia, also called the Mutual Benefits Treaty, was signed in Santiago de Chile on August 10, 1866, by the Chilean Foreign Affairs Minister Alvaro Covarrubias and the Bolivian Plenipotentiary in Santiago Juan R. Muñoz Cabrera. It drew, for the first time, the border between both countries at the 24° South parallel from the Pacific Ocean to the eastern border of Chile and defined a zone of bipartite tax collection, the "Mutual Benefits zone", and tax preferences for articles from Bolivia and Chile.

Despite increasing border tensions since the 1840s, both countries fought together against Spain in the Chincha Islands War (1864–65) and resolved the question under the Governments of Mariano Melgarejo in Bolivia and José Joaquín Pérez in Chile. But before long, both countries were discontented with it, and Peru and Bolivia signed a secret treaty against Chile in 1873. The Lindsay-Corral protocol, thought to clarify the treaty, was approved by Chile but never by Bolivia.

In 1874, a new boundary treaty was signed, which was violated by Bolivia in 1878. In 1879 began the War of the Pacific.