Boy player

Edward Kynaston, one of the last boy players. An 1889 engraving of a contemporary (c. 1660) portrait.

A boy player was a male child or teenager who performed in Medieval and English Renaissance playing companies. Some boy players worked for adult companies and performed the female roles, since women were not allowed to perform on the English stage during this period. Others worked for children's companies in which all roles, not just the female ones, were played by boys.[1](pp 1–76)[2]

  1. ^ Chambers, E.K. (1923). The Elizabethan Stage. Vol. 2. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press.
  2. ^ Halliday, F.E. (1964). A Shakespeare Companion 1564–1964. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books. pp. 35, 71, 98–101.