Brant's Volunteers

Brant's Volunteers
Joseph Brant and his Loyalist and indigenous volunteers raided settlements on the frontier of New York during the American Revolutionary War.
CountryKingdom of Great Britain
AllegianceKingdom of Great Britain
BranchLoyalist associators
TypeIndependent rangers (auxiliaries)
RoleSpecial operations, guerrilla warfare, light infantry
EquipmentMixed arms (Brown Bess muskets, hunting rifles, tomahawks, scalping knives)
EngagementsAmerican Revolutionary War

Brant's Volunteers, also known as Joseph Brant's Volunteers, were an irregular unit of Loyalist and Indigenous volunteers raised during the American Revolutionary War by Mohawk war leader, Joseph Brant (Mohawk: Thayendanegea). Brant's Volunteers fought on the side of the British on the frontier of New York and in the Ohio Country. As associators they were not provided uniforms, weapons, provisions, or pay by the British government, and survived by foraging and plundering.