Breath gas analysis

Breath gas analysis
Purposegaining information on the clinical state of an individual by monitoring volatile organic compounds present in the exhaled breath

Breath gas analysis is a method for gaining information on the clinical state of an individual by monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in the exhaled breath. Exhaled breath is naturally produced by the human body through expiration and therefore can be collected in non-invasively and in an unlimited way.[1] VOCs in exhaled breath can represent biomarkers for certain pathologies (lung cancer, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and others). Breath gas concentration can then be related to blood concentrations via mathematical modeling as for example in blood alcohol testing.[2] There are various techniques that can be employed to collect and analyze exhaled breath. Research on exhaled breath started many years ago, there is currently limited clinical application of it for disease diagnosis.[3] However, this might change in the near future as currently large implementation studies are starting globally.[4]

  1. ^ Lawal, Oluwasola; Ahmed, Waqar M.; Nijsen, Tamara M. E.; Goodacre, Royston; Fowler, Stephen J. (October 2017). "Exhaled breath analysis: a review of 'breath-taking' methods for off-line analysis". Metabolomics. 13 (10): 110. doi:10.1007/s11306-017-1241-8. ISSN 1573-3882. PMC 5563344. PMID 28867989.
  2. ^ Farhi, L.E. (1967). "Elimination of inert gas by the lung". Respiration Physiology. 3 (1): 1–11. doi:10.1016/0034-5687(67)90018-7. PMID 6059100.
  3. ^ Einoch Amor, Reef; Nakhleh, Morad K.; Barash, Orna; Haick, Hossam (2019-06-30). "Breath analysis of cancer in the present and the future". European Respiratory Review. 28 (152): 190002. doi:10.1183/16000617.0002-2019. ISSN 0905-9180. PMC 9489002. PMID 31243094.
  4. ^ "Inzet SpiroNose stappen dichterbij gekomen". Longfonds. Feb 26, 2020. Retrieved Aug 14, 2020.