British Titan Products

British Titan Products was the manufacturer of Tioxide, a brand of white yet opaque pigment and whitening agent made from titanium dioxide.[1] It was initially organised to replace titanium dioxide supplies that British paint manufacturers imported from Germany. This British industry was established as a joint venture in 1934 by two of the world's major mining and chemical businesses in conjunction with a major industrial consumer and a distribution business.

Tioxide became a wholly owned Imperial Chemical Industries subsidiary in 1992. Within ICI, now renamed after its principal product Tioxide, the business retained a separate identity, which it lost when sold in 1999 to Huntsman Corporation. In 2014 Huntsman companies, including Tioxide, together formed the world's second-largest producer of titanium dioxide, second to DuPont. This business did not manufacture titanium metal.

  1. ^ BTP The Times 26 February 1962 page ii