Brown coal mining limits in North Bohemia

Jezeří Chateau above the Czechoslovak Army Mine in Mostecko

Territorial limits to the mining of brown coal in North Bohemia are legally binding according to Resolution No. 444 passed in 1991 by the government of the Czech Republic, on the basis of a proposal tabled by the then Minister for the Environment, Ivan Dejmal. The limits define the areas that can be mined, as well as areas where coal reserves have been written off. There is now the prospect, however, that the limits will be breached and sanction given to increase coal mining further, which would involve the demolition of more communities within the currently demarcated limits, e.g. Horní Jiřetín and Černice.

This article focuses almost exclusively on the limits as they apply to mines in the Mostecko region roughly between the city of Most and the town of Litvínov operated by Czech Coal.