Bryn Oh is a contemporary virtual world artist known for interactive installations and immersive experiences in virtual environments such as Second Life,[1] Sansar, Steam,[2] and High Fidelity.[3] Oh has been active in the virtual world community since 2007, and is considered one of the pioneers in the field of virtual art.[4][5]
Oh’s work often explores themes of identity, memory, and the relationship between technology and humanity. Their style of artmaking, which they call Immersiva, blends elements of surrealism, fantasy, and storytelling to create captivating and thought-provoking experiences for audiences.[6] In addition to virtual installations that are viewed by an average of 30,000 to 40,000 visitors,[7] Oh has also exhibited work in physical art galleries and museums, expanding the impact and relevance of virtual art in the contemporary art world.[5][8]