Buchenwald trial

The eight American officers of the U.S. military tribunal at the trial of former camp personnel and prisoners from Buchenwald. From left to right: Lt. Col. Morris, Col. Robertson, Col. Ackerman, Brig. Gen. Kiel, Lt. Col. Dwinell, Col. Pierce, Col. Dunning, and Lt. Col. Walker.

The Buchenwald trial or United States of America vs. Josias Prince of Waldeck et al. (also referred as Case 000-50-9) was a war crime trial conducted by the United States Army as a court-martial in Dachau, then part of the American occupation zone. It took place from April 11 to August 14, 1947 in the internment camp of Dachau, where the former Dachau concentration camp had been located until late April 1945. In this trial, 31 people were indicted for war crimes related to the Buchenwald concentration camp and its satellite camps, all of whom were convicted. The Buchenwald trial was part of the Dachau trials, which were held between 1945 and 1948.[1]

  1. ^ Ute Stiepani: Die Dachauer Prozesse und ihre Bedeutung im Rahmen der alliierten Strafverfolgung von NS-Verbrechen. In: Gerd R. Ueberschär: Die alliierten Prozesse gegen Kriegsverbrecher und Soldaten 1943–1952.Frankfurt am Main 1999, S. 227ff.
    Buchenwald-Hauptprozess: Deputy Judge Advocate’s Office 7708 War Crimes Group European Command APO 407: (United States of America vs Josias Prince zu Waldeck et al. – Case 000-50-9), November 1947