Budweiser NHL Man of the Year Award

The Budweiser NHL Man of the Year Award was sponsored by Anheuser-Busch to award a National Hockey League player based on his sportsmanship and involvement with charitable groups. Every NHL team nominates a player and the winner would be chosen by a panel of judges at the start of the Stanley Cup playoffs and receive $21,000 to donate to their charities.[1] The award lasted from the 1987–88 season until the 1991–92 season. Six years later, the NHL established the NHL Foundation Player Award, which served a similar function until it was merged into the King Clancy Memorial Trophy in 2017–18.

  1. ^ Chester Swenson, Selling to a Segmented Market (McGraw-Hill, 1992), ISBN 0-8442-3459-1; trade paperback, pp 126.