Burr Truss

Burr bridge
Interior structure of a covered bridge utilizing a kingpost with a Burr Arch structure
Interior structure of a covered bridge utilizing a kingpost with a Burr Arch structure
AncestorTruss bridge, kingpost bridge
CarriesPedestrians, livestock, vehicles
Span rangeShort to medium
MaterialWood planks
Design effortmedium

The Burr Arch Truss—or, simply, Burr Truss or Burr Arch—is a combination of an arch and a multiple kingpost truss design. It was invented in 1804 by Theodore Burr,[1] patented on April 3, 1817,[2] and used in bridges, usually covered bridges.[3][4]

  1. ^ "The Burr Truss". Truss Styles of Covered Bridges. New York State Covered Bridge Society. January 2006. Archived from the original on September 8, 2006. Retrieved September 15, 2006.
  2. ^ "Publication Number: X0002769". Publication Images. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Retrieved September 15, 2006.
  3. ^ "Truss Types". Covered Bridge Truss Types. Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Structural Engineering. Archived from the original on September 4, 2006. Retrieved September 15, 2006.
  4. ^ "Truss Types". The Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society of PA, Inc. Retrieved July 28, 2006.