Business for Peace

The Business for Peace Foundation
FoundedApril 2007 by Per Leif Saxegaard in Norway
  • Oslo, Norway
ServicesBuilding awareness of the benefits of businessworthy conduct
FieldsGlobal search for Honourees, supporting related research, presentation of award, media relations

Business for Peace Foundation (BfP) is a non-profit foundation based in Oslo, Norway. Each year, the foundation names up to seven Honourees who receive the Oslo Business for Peace Award, in recognition of their individual and business-worthy contribution to the building of trust, stability and peace. The Honourees are selected by an independent committee composed of winners of either the Nobel Peace Prize or Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.

The Foundation works worldwide to understand how ethical and responsible business can contribute to building trust, stability and peace. Each year, the Foundation arranges the Oslo Business for Peace Summit, which concludes with the presentation of the Award to that year's Honourees.