
Complement system

C5 convertase is an enzyme belonging to a family of serine proteases that play key role in the innate immunity. It participates in the complement system ending with cell death.

There are four different C5 convertases able to specifically convert the protein C5 to C5a and C5b fragments. Two of the convertases are physiological complement enzymes, associate to the cell-surface and mediate the classical pathway (C4b2b3b, or C4b2a3b depending on source)[1] or the alternative pathway (C3bBbC3b) of complement system.[2][3] Two fluid phase C5 convertases have been described: the classical pathway enzyme, C4b2boxy3b and the cobra venom factor-dependent C5 convertase, CVFBb.

  1. ^ Cooper NR, Müller-Eberhard HJ (1970). "The Reaction Mechanism of Human C5 in Immune Hemolysis". J Exp Med. 132 (4): R775–793. doi:10.1084/jem.132.4.775. PMC 2138854. PMID 5508377.
  2. ^ DiScipio RG (1982). "The activation of the alternative pathway C3 convertase by human plasma kallikrein". Immunology. 45 (3): R587–595. PMC 1555245. PMID 6916710.
  3. ^ Medicus RG, Götze O, Müller-Eberhard HJ (1976). "Alternative pathway of complement: Recruitment of precursor properdin by the labile C3/C5 convertase and the potentiation of the pathway". J Exp Med. 144 (4): R1076–1093. doi:10.1084/jem.144.4.1076. PMC 2190426. PMID 978134.