
35mm film developed in caffenol.
35 mm film developed in caffenol.

Caffenol is a photographic alternative process whereby phenols, sodium carbonate and optionally vitamin C are used in aqueous solution as a film and print photographic developer.[1][2]

Other basic (as opposed to acidic) chemicals can be used in place of sodium carbonate; however, sodium carbonate is the most common.[1]

There are many formulas for caffenol, all based on preparations that contain caffeic acid (i.e., coffee or tea) and a pH modifier, most often sodium carbonate.[2][3] The chemistry of caffenol developers is based on the action of the reducing agent caffeic acid, which is chemically unrelated to caffeine.[1]

  1. ^ a b c Williams, Scott. "A Use for that Last Cup of Coffee: Film and Paper Development". Rochester Institute of Technology.
  2. ^ a b Film Photography Project: Coffee Break – Develop Film at Home with Caffenol Archived June 24, 2021, at the Wayback Machine, Film Photography Project.
  3. ^ "Digitaltruth Photo: Caffenol Formulas". Archived from the original on March 22, 2016. Retrieved December 10, 2011.