California Digital Library

The California Digital Library (CDL) was founded by the University of California in 1997. Under the leadership of then UC President Richard C. Atkinson, the CDL's original mission was to forge a better system for scholarly information management and improved support for teaching and research.[1] In collaboration with the ten University of California Libraries and other partners, CDL assembled one of the world's largest digital research libraries. CDL facilitates the licensing of online materials and develops shared services used throughout the UC system. Building on the foundations of the Melvyl Catalog (UC's union catalog), CDL has developed one of the largest online library catalogs in the country and works in partnership with the UC campuses to bring the treasures of California's libraries, museums, and cultural heritage organizations to the world. CDL continues to explore how services such as digital curation, scholarly publishing, archiving and preservation support research throughout the information lifecycle.[2]

  1. ^ Candee, C. H. (2001). "The California Digital Library and the eScholarship program". Journal of Library Administration. 35 (1/2): 37–59. doi:10.1300/J111v35n01_04. S2CID 62161562.
  2. ^ "California Digital Library". International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC). Archived from the original on 5 March 2015. Retrieved 28 June 2012.