California State University Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association

The California State University Emeritus and Retired Faculty & Staff Association, also known as CSU-ERSFA, is a statewide, nonprofit organization of emeritus and retired faculty and staff members from all 23 campuses of the California State University system. The primary mission of CSU-ERFSA is the protection of pension and health care benefits for both active and retired California State University faculty and staff members.[1] CSU-ERFSA represents the interests of its members before the California State Legislature, various state and federal agencies, CalPERS, and the California State University Chancellor's Office. CSU-ERFSA also provides assistance to members, who may be experiencing difficulties with their individual pension or health care benefits.

  1. ^ "ALERT to CSU Retirees Participating in the CSU Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA) 403(b) Program".