Canoe orienteering

Canoe orienteering
The international orienteering symbol
Team membersBoat

Canoe orienteering (canoe-O) is an orienteering sport using a canoe, kayak, or other small boat. Usually, a canoe-O is a timed race in which one- or two-person boats start at staggered intervals, are timed, and are expected to perform all navigation on their own. Portages are allowed. The control points, shown on an orienteering map, may be visited in any order. Standings are determined first by successful completion of the course, then by shortest time on course.[1]

Canoe-O is best done in a body of water with many small islands and a complex shoreline. Frequently, two-person teams compete using one canoe. Some control points are accessible by water and others by land. Route choice is important: competitors must select both water and land routes so that the controls are encountered efficiently, and neither team member wastes time waiting for the other.[1]

Canoe-O has no international sports governing body. The United States Canoe Association has held an annual canoe and kayak orienteering championship since 1996 and has offered canoe-O during its national championships since 1992.[2]

  1. ^ a b "WHAT IS CANOE-ORIENTEERING?". GeoCities. Archived from the original on October 21, 2009. Retrieved 2008-05-26.
  2. ^ United States Canoe Association, Inc. (2006-08-03). Competition Rules (PDF). p. 23. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-09-05. Retrieved 2008-10-10.