Cape Gelidonya

Gelidonya Lighthouse

Cape Gelidonya (Turkish: Gelidonya Burnu or Taşlık Burnu, from Greek: Χελιδωνία, Chelidonia; Latin: Chelidonium promontorium[1]), formerly Kilidonia or Killidonia is a cape or headland on the Teke Peninsula in the chain of Taurus Mountains, located on the southern coast of Anatolia between the Gulf of Antalya and the Bay of Finike.

During the classical Greek and Hellenistic eras, it was called Chelidonia (meaning swallows), and a group of five small islands, as Chelidoniai nesoi (Swallow Islands, now Beşadalar Adasi). In Roman times, it was known as Promontorium Sacrum (Latin for "Holy Promontory"), and the group of islands as Chelidoniae Insulae.[2]

  1. ^ Livy xxxiii. 41.
  2. ^ A Gazetteer of the World: Or, Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge. Vol. 4. 1859. p. 520. Retrieved January 12, 2015.