Career assessment

Career assessments are tools that are designed to help individuals understand how a variety of personal attributes (i.e., data values, preferences, motivations, aptitudes and skills), impact their potential success and satisfaction with different career options and work environments. Career assessments have played a critical role in career development and the economy in the 20th century (Whiston and Rahardja, 2005). Individuals or organizations often use assessment of some or all of these attributes, such as university career service centers, career counselors, outplacement companies, corporate human resources staff, executive coaches, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and guidance counselors to help individuals make more informed career decisions.

In part, the popularity of this tool is due to the National Defense Education Act of 1958, which funded career guidance in schools.[1] Focus was put onto tools that would help high school students determine which subjects they may want to focus on to reach a chosen career path. Since 1958, career assessment tool options have exploded.

  1. ^ Kapes, J.T.; Mastie, M.M.; &Whitfield, E.A. (1994). A Counselor's Guide to Career Assessment Instruments. Alexandria,VA: National Career Development Association.