Carol Laderman

Carol Laderman (October 25, 1932 – July 6, 2010)[1] was a groundbreaking medical anthropologist, specializing in the study of pregnancy and childbirth practices, shamanism, and Southeast Asian cultures, particularly Malays in rural Terengganu, Malaysia. She was also a critically acclaimed writer[2][3][4] and a longtime professor and lecturer who had just been re-elevated to Chairmanship of the Department of Anthropology at City College at the time of her death.[1]

  1. ^ a b Roseman, Marina, Laurel Kendall and Robert Knox Dentan. Obituaries: Carol Laderman (1932-2010), American Anthropologist, Vol. 113, No. 2, 375-377.
  2. ^ "Taming the Wind of Desire".
  3. ^ Laderman, Carol; Roseman, Marina, eds. (23 December 1995). "The Performance of Healing". Routledge – via Amazon.
  4. ^ Laderman, Carol (10 March 1993). Taming the Wind of Desire: Psychology, Medicine, and Aesthetics in Malay Shamanistic Performance. University of California Press. ISBN 0520082583.