
Water Ritual at Delphi
GroupingLegendary creature
Sub groupingWater spirit

Castalia /kəˈstliə/ (Ancient Greek: Κασταλία, romanizedKastalia), in ancient Greek and Roman literature,[1] was the name of a spring near Delphi, sacred to the Muses; it is also known as the Castalian Spring. It is said to have derived its name from Castalia, a naiad-nymph, daughter of the river-god Achelous, who is said to have flung herself into the spring when pursued by the god Apollo.[2]

  1. ^ The spring is mentioned in Herodotus, 8.39; Pindar, Pyth. 1.39; Virgil, Georgics 3.293; Horace, Odes 3.4.61; Statius, Thebaid 1.698 and elsewhere: see Liddell, Scott, Jones Greek Lexicon s.v. Κασταλία; Lewis and Short, Latin Dictionary, s.v. Castalia.
  2. ^ Smith, W. (1858). Classical Dictionary, s.v. Castalia.