Category:CS1 errors: OCLC

This is a tracking category for CS1 citations that have |oclc= errors.

Help desk

Check |oclc= value

The |oclc= parameter is for the OCLC identifier. Only a single OCLC identifier is allowed. (If relevant, multiple OCLCs can be specified using |id={{OCLC|...}} instead.)

The identifier must be in one of these forms:

  1. prefix ocm followed by 8 digits
  2. prefix ocn followed by 9 digits
  3. prefix on followed by 10 (or more) digits
  4. prefix (OCoLC) followed by a variable number of digits without leading zeros
  5. 1 to 10 (or more) digits without prefix

Further validation is not performed.

To resolve this error, ensure that the |oclc= value is correct.

If the value is correct and larger than the currently configured limit of 10380000000, please report this at Help talk:Citation Style 1, so that the limit can be updated.

A tip for fixing this error: Editors sometimes place valid ISBN, LCCN, ASIN, or other identifiers in |oclc=.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:CS1 errors: OCLC.[a]


  1. ^ Pages in the Category talk, Draft talk, File talk, Help talk, MediaWiki talk, Module talk, Portal talk, Talk, Template talk, User, User talk, and Wikipedia talk namespaces are not included in the tracking categories. In addition, pages with names matching the patterns '/[Ss]andbox', '/[Tt]estcases', '/[^/]*[Ll]og', and '/[Aa]rchive' are not included in the tracking categories.