
The honour trumps
Alternative namesBaden Tarock, Cego-Tarock, Caeco, Ceco, Zeco, Zego, Zigo
SkillsTactics, Strategy
Cards51 or 54
Rank (high→low)Trumps: Stiess, 21-1
Black suits: K Q C J 10 9 8 7
Red suits: K Q C J 1 2 3 4
Playing time30 min.
Related games
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Cego is a Tarot card game for three or four players played mainly in and around the Black Forest region of Germany. It was probably derived from the three-player Badenese game of Dreierles when soldiers deployed from the Iberian Peninsula during the Napoleonic Wars and, based on a Spanish game they had encountered, introduced Cego's distinctive feature: a concealed hand, or blind (Portuguese: cego). Cego has experienced a revival in recent years, being seen as part of the culture of the Black Forest and surrounding region.[1] It has been called the national game of Baden and described as a "family classic".[2]

  1. ^ Das alte badische Kartenspiel Cego feiert ein Comeback at badische-zeitung.de. Retrieved 10 January 2023.
  2. ^ Cego Verbrüdert at hochschwarzwald.de. Retrieved 28 August 2022.