Chaim Goodman-Strauss

Chaim Goodman-Strauss assembling sculpture at Gathering 4 Gardner, Atlanta, GA, 2008.

Chaim Goodman-Strauss (born June 22, 1967 in Austin, Texas) is an American mathematician who works in convex geometry, especially aperiodic tiling. He retired from the faculty of the University of Arkansas and currently serves as outreach mathematician for the National Museum of Mathematics. He is co-author with John H. Conway and Heidi Burgiel of The Symmetries of Things, a comprehensive book surveying the mathematical theory of patterns.[1]

  1. ^ Review of The symmetries of things, by Phil Wilson, Plus Magazine, December 1, 2008: "The book presents a whole new way of looking at patterns. The methods have been worked out so exhaustively, and the trails opened up in the book have been followed so extensively, that you almost can't believe that such a huge body of knowledge could have lain dormant for so long!"