Chaldean Diocese of Amid

The black basalt Roman walls of Amid (Diyarbakir)

The Diocese of Amid (Diyarbakir) was a diocese or archdiocese of the Chaldean Church from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. From at least the 13th century the city of Amid had been part of the Diocese of Maiperqat of the Church of the East; following the schism of 1552 it became the seat of its own diocese in the Chaldean Church.

The archdiocese lapsed in 1929 on the death of the bishop Shlemun Mushe al-Sabbagh. The title of Amid was revived by the Chaldean church in 1966 as the Chaldean Catholic Archeparchy of Amida. The Archeparchy is now the sole remaining Chaldean diocese in Turkey, so in effect has jurisdiction over all of Turkeys Chaldeans. They maintain 2 churches in Diyarbakir and the bishop resides in Istanbul.