Chalice Well

The Chalice Well and its cover
The seven bowls flow to form a vesica piscis-shaped pool

The Chalice Well, also known as the Red Spring, is a well situated near the summit of Chalice Hill, a small hill next to Glastonbury Tor in Glastonbury, Somerset, England. The natural spring and surrounding gardens are owned and managed by the Chalice Well Trust (registered charity no. 204206), founded by Wellesley Tudor Pole in 1959.

Research by Exeter University School of Geology in 2009 found that the Chalice Well is fed by a deep aquifer in the lower levels of the Pennard Sands.[1]

  1. ^ Mather, J D (2009). "Wonder-working water: the history and hydrogeology of the Chalice Well and other Glastonbury springs". Geoscience in South-West England. 12.