Charge exchange

Charge exchange (or charge exchange collision) is a process in which a neutral atom or molecule collides with an ion, resulting in the neutral atom acquiring the charge of the ion.[1] The reaction is typically expressed as


This reaction has various diagnostic applications, such as in plasma physics and mass spectrometry.[2]

  1. ^ Bransden, B H (1972). "The theory of charge exchange". Reports on Progress in Physics. 35 (3): 949–1005. doi:10.1088/0034-4885/35/3/301. S2CID 250908886.
  2. ^ Einolf, Noel; Munson, Burnaby (1972). "High pressure charge exchange mass spectrometry". International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics. 9 (2): 141–160. Bibcode:1972IJMSI...9..141E. doi:10.1016/0020-7381(72)80040-8. ISSN 0020-7381.