Chemical storage

A chemical storage cabinet

Chemical storage is the storage of controlled substances or hazardous materials in chemical stores, chemical storage cabinets, or similar devices.

Chemical storage devices are usually present where a workplace requires the use of non-hazardous and/or hazardous chemicals. Proper storage is imperative for the safety of, and access by, laboratory workers. Improper chemical storage can result in the creation of workplace safety hazards, including the presence of heat, fire, explosion and leakage of toxic gas.[1]

Chemical storage cabinets are typically used to safely store small amounts of chemical substances within a workplace or laboratory for regular use. These cabinets are typically made from materials that are resistant to the chemicals stored in them and occasionally contain a bunded tray to capture spillage.

Chemical stores are warehouses commonly used by chemical or pharmaceutical companies to store bulk chemicals. In the US, the storage and handling of potentially hazardous materials must be disclosed to occupants under laws managed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

  1. ^ "Safe Storage of Hazardous Chemicals in Stockrooms, Workshops and Laboratories" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-08-29.