Cheque and Credit Clearing Company

Cheque and Credit Clearing Company
IndustryFinancial services

The Cheque and Credit Clearing Company Limited (C&CCC) is a UK membership-based industry body whose 11 members are the UK clearing banks. The company has managed the cheque clearing system in England and Wales since 1985, in all of Great Britain since 1996 when it took over responsibility for managing the Scottish cheque clearing as well, and in the whole of the United Kingdom since the introduction of the Image Clearing System in 2019.[1]

As well as clearing cheques, the system processes the following forms of payment: banker's drafts, building society cheques, postal orders, warrants, government payable orders and traveller's cheques. The company also manages the systems for the clearing of paper bank giro credits (the credit clearing).[2]

The clearing system in Northern Ireland was formerly operated by the Belfast Bankers' Clearing Company for the four clearing banks there.

  1. ^ "Belfast Bankers' Clearing Company | Cheque & Credit Clearing Company". Retrieved 22 June 2021.
  2. ^ "About Us and Our Members". C&CCC. Retrieved 4 January 2013.