Chief of Defence Intelligence (Canada)

The Chief of Defence Intelligence (CDI); French: Chef du Renseignement de la Défense, (CRD) was a Canadian intelligence agency, part of a broader Canadian security and intelligence community that comprises several departments and agencies that collect and analyze intelligence on issues of concern to Canada and also manages DND/CF national/international intelligence partnerships.

In addition to providing support to military operations, CDI provides the community with unique capabilities and expertise: strategic threats to Canada and allied governments, indications and warning intelligence on international political and military activities, strategic and crisis coverage of regional security developments that may affect Canadian security interests or engage Canadian forces, and scientific and technical intelligence with a defence or security focus. CDI supports broader intelligence community collection, analysis and reporting on asymmetric threats, terrorism and international criminal activity.

CDI was renamed Canadian Forces Intelligence Command in 2013 and it is equivalent to: the Defense Intelligence Agency of the US, Defence Intelligence of the UK and Defence Intelligence Organisation of Australia.