China Image Film Festival

The China Image Film Festival is the largest Chinese film festival in Europe.[1] Hosted in London, the festival aims to promote Chinese films and cultures across the world.

China Image Film Festival was established in 2009. This year’s celebration of Chinese films is organised by China UK Culture and Creative Industry Association. As a platform for cultural exchange between the UK and China, the festival has gained support from The State Administration of Radio Film and China Television (SARFT) in addition to the Chinese embassy’s cultural affairs office. The festival has generated support from the United Kingdom’s Cultural Affairs Bureau, British Council, as well as other agencies, associations, businesses, and institutions.

The difference between the previous few years and this year is the establishment of the British professional short film section. This segment shows famous short English films to both Chinese and British audiences. British professional films of the same calibre will be screened in both the UK and China. In turn, well-known short film directors will be meeting the audiences during this particular time.

  1. ^ Liu Fang (17 August 2010). "China Image Film Festival to be held in London". CNTV. Archived from the original on 5 October 2010. Retrieved 18 May 2011.