China Room

The China Room looking southeast during the administration of Bill Clinton. At right is a painting of Grace Coolidge by Howard Chandler Christy.
White House Ground Floor showing location of the China Room.
The room in 1918 during the Wilson administration, looking northwest, when it was called the Presidential Collection Room.
The James Madison state china service was produced in 1814 at the Parisian factory of Jean Népomucène Hermann Nast.
The Lyndon Johnson state china service features American wildflowers and was manufactured in the United States by Castleton China. It was selected by First Lady Lady Bird Johnson.
The Reagan state china service was modeled on Woodrow Wilson's china and features the seal of the president of the United States in burnished gold on an ivory background with a border of scarlet. The china was manufactured in the United States by Lenox and selected by First Lady Nancy Reagan.
Barbara Bush in the White House China Room, 1991. Millie, Barbara Bush's dog in the China Room.

The China Room is one of the rooms on the Ground Floor of the White House, the home of the president of the United States. The White House's collection of state china is displayed there. The collection ranges from George Washington's Chinese export china to Barack Obama's blue and white themed collection. Almost all administrations are represented with a collection; however, a few are not - most recently, the Trump administration did not have a collection created and instead mainly used the china designed by Hillary Clinton during her time as First Lady.[1] The room is primarily used by the first lady for teas, meetings, and smaller receptions.

  1. ^ "There will be no Trump china collection due to cost and time". CNN. Retrieved January 22, 2021.