Chua Chu Kang Single Member Constituency

Chua Chu Kang SMC
Single Member constituency
for the Parliament of Singapore
Current constituency
Member(s)Constituency Abolished
Town CouncilChua Chu Kang
Replaced byChua Chu Kang GRC
Chua Chu Kang Single Member Constituency.

Chua Chu Kang Single Member Constituency was a single member constituency (SMC) located in the western region of Singapore. The constituency encompasses Choa Chu Kang New Town. It is one of the longest existing constituencies in Singapore, spanning 52 years from 1959 to 2011.

Throughout its relatively long history, the ruling People's Action Party has won the constituency in every election, except the 1963 general election when it lost the seat to opposition party Barisan Sosialis. Chua Chu Kang SMC faced a four-cornered fight, including the ruling party itself in the 1997 general election and the PAP was challenged by Singapore Democratic Alliance's Steve Chia in the 2001 and 2006 general elections. In the 2011 general election, the SMC and Hong Kah Group Representation Constituency (GRC) were absorbed into Chua Chu Kang GRC.