

Chymotrypsinogen is an inactive precursor (zymogen) of chymotrypsin, a digestive enzyme which breaks proteins down into smaller peptides. Chymotrypsinogen is a single polypeptide chain consisting of 245 amino acid residues.[1] It is synthesized in the acinar cells of the pancreas and stored inside membrane-bounded granules at the apex of the acinar cell. Release of the granules from the cell is stimulated by either a hormonal signal or a nerve impulse, and the granules spill into a duct leading into the duodenum.[2]

  1. ^ Campbell, Mary K.; Farrell, Shawn O. (2011). Biochemistry (7th ed.). Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. p. 176. ISBN 9780840068583.
  2. ^ Berg.M.J., Tymoczko.L.J., Stryer.L., Gatto Jr. J.G. Biochemistry, 7th Ed.; Freeman: New York, 2012.