Circle of Serbian Sisters

The Charter of the Circle of Serbian Sisters (1922) by Uroš Predić

The Circle of Serbian Sisters (Serbian: Kolo Srpskih Sestara) was a women's charitable society established in Belgrade in 1903. Among the founders of the society were Mabel Grujić, wife of Slavko J. Grujić, Blanš Vesnić, wife of Milenko Vesnić, and after the May coup in Serbia (1903), the society was led by Nadežda Petrović, Delfa Ivanić, Draga Ljočić, Andjelija Stančić, Branislav Nušić and Ivan Ivanić.

Regional organisations of the Circle of Serbian Sisters have been established in many areas where Serbs live. After the restoration of the Circle in 1990, the regional organisation Circle operates within the diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church.