City of Dublin Steam Packet Company

City of Dublin Steam Packet Company logo, still visible on a wall on Eden Quay.
RMS Prince Arthur of 1851, depicted in the book A Hundred Years by Post by J. Wilson Hyde.
House flag.

The City of Dublin Steam Packet Company was a shipping line established in 1823. It served cross-channel routes between Britain and Ireland for over a century. For 70 of those years it transported the mail. It was 'wound-up' by a select committee of the House of Lords in 1922 and finally liquidated in 1930.[1]

The company operated from offices at Eden House, 15-18 Eden Quay which were constructed in 1829.

  1. ^ Stokes, Roy (1998). Death in the Irish Sea. Cork: Collins Press. p. 62. ISBN 1-898256-52-7.